Security > Secure Key Manager > Solution Guide

The following describes the solutions for main issues that may arise while using Secure Key Manager.

API call failure returns Invalid Appkey error message.

  • Occurs when API is called with an invalid appkey.
    • Check if appkey was correctly applied as displayed on the URL & Appkey window in the Secure Key Manager management page.

API call failure returns Invalid Key ID error message.

  • Occurs when Key ID for an API call is invalid.
    • Check if the used key ID is correct.
    • See if the status of the key is In Service.

API call failure returns Invalid Key Version error message.

  • Occurs when API is called with invalid key version.
    • If it comes from Decrypt Symmetric Keys API, check if the key version applied for encryption still exists.
    • If it comes from Verify Asymmetric Keys API, check if the key version applied for signature still exists.

API call failure returns Invalid User Data error message.

  • Occurs when API is called with invalid user data.
    • If it comes from Decrypt Symmetric Keys API, check if the data for decryption is correct.
    • If it comes from Verify Asymmetric Keys API, check if the signature value is correct.

API call failure returns Invalid Key Status error message.

  • Occurs when API is called with invalid key.
    • If it comes from Decrypt Asymmetric Keys API, check if the key for encryption is 'In Service'.
    • If it comes from Verify Asymmetric Keys API, check if the key for signature is 'In Service'.

API call failure returns Invalid Key Version Status error message.

  • Occurs when API is called with invalid key version.
    • If it comes from Decrypt Asymmetric Keys API, check if the key version for encryption is 'In Service'.
    • If it comes from Verify Asymmetric Keys API, check if the key version for signature is 'In Service'.

API call failure returns IPv4 Auth Failure error message.

  • Occurs when it fails to certify IPv4 address.
    • Check if the IPv4 address of API caller client has been registered in Secure Key Manager.
    • Check if the client IPv4 address registered in Secure Key Manager is 'In Service'.

API call failure returns MAC Auth Failure error message.

  • Occurs when it fails to certify MAC address.
    • Check if the MAC address of API caller client has been registered in Secure Key Manager.
    • Check if the MAC address registered in Secure Key Manager is 'In Service'.
    • Check if the client's MAC address has been added to the request header of X-TOAST-CLIENT-MAC-ADDR to call API.

API call failure returns Certificate Auth Failure error message.

  • Occurs when it fails to certify client's certificate.
    • Check if the certificate has been issued by Secure Key Manager.
    • Check if the certificate registered in Secure Key Manager is 'In Service'.
  • Occurs when certificate is not correct.
    • Check if the certificate has been issued by Secure Key Manager.
    • Check valid period of the certificate.
For any other errors that occur during an API request, contact Customer Center (